We will provide you with local customers who are looking for solar installation in your area. This way you it’s kept relevant and within distance.
Our platform allows customers to select what type of experience and background our installers have. This will create better quality leads.
We ensure all of our leads are of a high quality. Our process includes being open with customers to keep the leads educated about solar.
With Easy Trade Quotes your customers will know exactly who’s calling, and why. Cut out the small talk and get straight to building an everlasting customer relationship that can turn to referrals and great reviews.
Our comprehensive select and match scheme means that the customers know why they have been contacted by you, and already have faith that you are the best company for the job.
We will never charge you for bundles of leads we generate. You just pay as you go and buy the needs that you need at the given time. We are run by solar engineers who understand some periods may be busier than others.
Not only this, but we know that the sales process may take a while and cash-flow can be short. Apply now to learn more about our extended payment plans.